Student During the Week – Teacher on the Weekend
Jessica Kratky is loving life as an 8th grader at Timberline
“I like going to school and I like seeing my friends,” she says.
Monday through Friday she’s your typical Timberline student. On the weekends she turns into an English teacher. Jessica teaches students in Thailand and Laos from ages 4 to 40. Her goal is to teach the English language and English culture, focusing on a growth mindset.
“We give them something better to say, teach them nicer things to say, or more positive encouragement,” adds Kratky. “Instead of good job, say good job on your test, I’m really proud of what you did.”
Jessica’s mother is a study hall supervisor in our district and this whole idea stems from one of her experiences as a student.
“A student from Japan walked into my village as an exchange student and that sparked me.” says Lucksananan Kratky. “That made me want to learn more English and has sent me around the world.”
The message to their students is all about the English language. The message to her daughters focuses on the power of giving back.
“I shared with them that we can do more to help other people, that’s what people do,” adds Lucksananan. “When you are fortunate in so many ways, you don’t keep it to yourself, you help others.”
That’s exactly what this class, known as Jess and Lizzy teach English from the USA, has been doing for the last year. They are helping others learn about the English language and the midwestern culture, with a side of fun along the way.
“When we show them different holidays, it’s kind of funny to see their reaction,” says Jessica. “Like apple bobbing. They were shocked when they heard about that.”
Even though there are 8,348 miles separating Waukee from Thailand, the power of education shines through in every lesson. It’s also very similar to what we see in our district on a daily basis.
“We are just friends communicating across the world,” says Jessica. “It’s not really teaching, it’s more communication.”
Crucial communication can come in all forms. Parent to child. Teacher to student. Student to teacher. Some of it is learning, some of it is fun, all of it is important.
“Learning English can get you to many different places,” adds Jessica. “They are all really good places to be.”